Phonetopia - Visible Mobile
At Visible, we love phones. Likeee a whole lot. We love them so much that we build an entire world dedicated to our beloved smartphones. Enter Phonetopia — a dynamic universe dedicated to the wonderfully weird happenings on our beloved smartphones.
Inside Phonetopia, you could (temporarily) escape reality and (literally) enter the world of your phone. Think: an action-packed Notification Gauntlet where you dodge those pesky notifications, a self-aware content factory designed to capture content to your heart’s content, a gamified ode to texting called The SMS arcade, and The Airplane (Mode) Lounge, where you can relax recharge yourself and (your phones, duh).
And no smartphone experience is complete without a literal DMs slide, where you could, you know sliiiide into those DMs.
AdWeek: You Can Literally Slide Into DMs at Visible’s Phone-Themed Experience
Yahoo News: Step Inside Your Smartphone at Visible’s #Phonetopia Installation
Thrillist: Here’s Everything You Missed At Denver’s #Phonetopia Pop-Up
Digiday: Why digital-only phone carrier Visible is leaning into experiential marketing
Muse by Clio: Visible’s Crazy Activation in Denver Is Like Stepping Inside Your Phone
Event Marketer: #PHONETOPIA: Visible Brings Its Service to life with a phone-themed obstacle course
The Entry: Into the Phone

With a life-size smartphone door and a self-aware nod to phones of yesteryear, our realness is on full display, both literally and figuratively. When guests walk in, they’ll see a blueblueblue room with a giant smart phone door—the portal into the world of the phone.
The Notification Gauntlet
With unlimited data, dodging endless notifications isn’t easy, especially when it’s an action-packed obstacle course.
This active and entirely immersive space brings to life the inherent smartphone behavior of dodging and fielding notifications. In the space, visitors trekked through a dynamic obstacle course, dodged pop-ups and fought their way through an onslaught of daily notifications.
Obstacles include:

Notification Trip Wire (complete with sounds and lights)
Push Notifications (oversized punching bags shaped like “hearts” and “likes” notifications
The Alerts Jungle (swing on monkey bars over a pit of red notification balls)
The Infinite Scroll (A Travelator in the aesthetic of a smartphone, where guests climb up an infinite scroll missed calls from Mom, new voicemails, social media activity, etc.)
The DM Slide (So nice had to mention it twice.)
The Contentorium
Pop-ups and social media are for the likes. We all know it. That’s why this #aesthetic space is a wonderland of social media moments, designed for our visitors to capture that sweet, sweet, #content.
Inside the Contentorium:

#Content neon wall
Banana for Scale installation
Duckie face bathtub installation
Foodie photography table
SMS Arcade
Unlimited messages also means unlimited chances to show off your expert texting skills.
The SMS Arcade experience invites visitors to show off their texting prowess in the world's greatest IRL texting arcade. Oh, and it has a dope retro vaporwave design.
We actually built and coded our own text-centric arcade games, like:

Text Text Conversation (Dance Dance Revolution’s chattier cousin)
Left on Read (Bid adieu to those annoying messages in this "tooth knockout" inspired game)
Skee-lol (Skeeball, but what you score is the response you should text back with)
Emoji-fishing (A plush emoji and swag-filled claw machine to help you find that ever-elusive perfect emoji)
Tap Out (Respond to as many texts as possible in the shortest amount of time)
Ice Breaker (Break the ice over texting in this pong meets breakout 2-player game)
Photo booth (pretty self-explanatory, tbh)
All the action was captured and showcased on our very own Live Text Leaderboard. We created a QR-activated “calling card” that tracked your personal score as you played.
Airplane (Mode) Lounge
Because humans (and phones) need to relax and recharge, our stylish lounge is not only a zen space, but a platform for us to flex our voice.
We're bringing airplane mode to life with a relaxing, notification-free airplane lounge. Guests will be encouraged to pocket their phones—or charge them—for the time they spend in this space.
And to make sure that unplugging doesn't mean they'll miss out on the photo op, we'll have photographers in the space to snap pics for them.
In true airplane fashion, we had “in-flight safety videos,” AKA a branded video that introduces Visible and how to sign up. We also created Visible “safety” brand brochures and a Sky Mall-inspired branded magazine (creatively titled CloudMall) for guests to peruse and take home with them.

Phonetopia Magazine
GIF(t) Shop
Our gift shop lets guests collect their mementos, and it’s our chance to put the exclamation point on the journey.